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European Union

Microsoft at war with Sony

Microsoft Communications Director Frank Shaw has accused Sony of giving information that is "nothing further from the truth" to European regulatory authorities in Brussels about Call of Duty parity if the Xbox maker buys Activision.…

The EU proposes a prize for video games

The European Union (EU) is aware of the social and economic value of video games, especially those that are developed online, and in addition to demanding greater protection for their users, the European Parliament proposed the organization…

IMF sees difficulties for 2023

Most of the world economy will face a "more difficult" year in 2023 than it was in 2022 due to the simultaneous slowdown in the United States, the European Union (EU) and China, the world's three largest economies, according to the…

Apple will allow third-party stores

Apple is preparing to allow the introduction of alternative application stores on its iOS devices, an initiative that it is carrying out to comply with the requirements that the European Union (EU) will demand from 2024. This would not be…

EU is investigating TikTok

The President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen, reported that the European Union (EU) is carrying out multiple investigations into the TikTok platform for the treatment of confidential user data that has been transferred to…

Apple could have two types of ports

Apple could integrate two types of USB-C ports in the new iPhone models in order to comply with the regulations that will require the use of a charger in the European Union from autumn 2024, according to analyst Ming Chi-Kuo. At the end of…