Brazil calls for an agreement between Mercosur and the EU

President Lula da Silva indicated that it is "urgent" to reach a consensus between Mercosur and the European organization

The president of Brazil, Lula da Silva, stated that it is “urgent” and “necessary” for Mercosur to reach a trade agreement with the European Union (EU) as soon as possible, in order to address other issues that the trade bloc has, such as the opening to other markets or the negotiation of a treaty with China.

In a press conference with the President of Uruguay, Luis Lacalle Pou, the Brazilian president said that this agreement with Brussels has been in limbo for years, and was already a matter of discussion in his second term as president, more than seven years ago.

The EU trade agreement with the Mercosur countries, Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay, was agreed upon by the parties several years ago, but its ratification is at a standstill due to the reservations of several member states, led by France.

Precisely this week, the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, as part of his official visit to Argentina, has urged Lula to “take advantage” of the new political scenario in Latin America and the impulse of the European Union with the region to finalize the agreement trade with Mercosur countries.

K. Tovar

Source: France24

(Reference image source: Sputnik)

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