Russia removes cryptocurrencies terms from digital assets law

The House postponed again the launch of the project because the authorities decided to eliminate some terms from the proposal

The Russian government once again postponed the application of the digital assets law, which seeks to recognize and regulate this area.

The new delay arises after some terms such as “cryptocurrency“, “token“, “smart contract“, among others, were eliminated from said proposal.

This happened during the second revision of the law, made on March 18. During this process the authorities had planned to make certain modifications.

While this delay could be a problem for those who have cryptocurrencies in the country, this should not be a surprise, considering that Russia has set aside the term of cryptocurrency regulations in recent years.

The representative of the Chamber, Vycheslav Volodin, indicated that once the draft is approved, it will become a crucial part of the development of Russian finances.

“After the adoption of the law, citizens and legal entities will receive additional guarantees, which will allow them to participate more actively in the development of the economy of the future. The digital rights law forms the basis of the development of the digital economy. This is a new area for our rights, because it is important for us to consolidate the basic concepts,” said the representative.

K. Tovar

Source: Coincrispy

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