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Tiktok works to restrict content by age

Tiktok is working on new ways to classify their contents and restrict them to certain hearings according to their characteristics and thematic, with the aim that minors have higher restrictions on the consumption of videos aimed at adult…

TikTok will include a “retweet” style button

TikTok is testing a new button called Repost, which would function as Twitter's "retweet", allowing users to republish content that is already on the platform and share it with their followers. This is an option that the social media…

WhatsApp announces some innovations for 2022

The popular WhatsApp messaging service, owned by the giant company Meta, could incorporate some novel changes in its application from 2022, in order to improve the experience of its users. Here are some of the innovations that the courier…

TikTok reaches 1 billion users

The social network TikTok exceeded the barrier of 1,000 million monthly active users globally. That is, they connect to the application at least once a month. "More than a billion people from around the world come to TikTok to be…