Centennials replace the millennials in the digital world

They are professionals defined as greedy for everything related to digital development and a key demographic segment for advertisers

Hyperkinetic youngsters, anchored to Internet, eager for information and inseparable from a smartphone; that’s the definition of centennials. They are experts on the digital world who come to replace millennials.

The working world is facing a transformation oriented to remote work and based on new technologies. There fit the centennials, mostly young people whose preferences in services and consumption patterns are influenced by networks.

Some people point out that centennials are addicted to digital technology. The truth is that they are young people specialized in Internet search, with average attention span of 8 seconds, and respect for the network as the only means of communication, training and entertainment.

Obviously, their learning and socialization process are dramatically marked by Internet. This explains their overexposure to information and the desire to learn on their own.

Centennials are an important niche for advertisers, thanks to their knowledge of brands, which results from staying connected to the network as well as the ability to manage various platforms at once, such as smartphones, tablets, laptops, among others.


Source: Marketing4Ecommerce

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