Redcast: Podcasts initiative for digital marketing

A group of podcast fans decided to launch this project for digital marketing, e-commerce and business topics

A group of fans of podcasts created “Redcast”, a network of the digital world that brings together different topics such as digital marketing, e-commerce and business.

The initiative is born from the interest and the need to give more space to podcasts in the digital world, as well as giving it much greater visibility.

This project comes thanks to the work of Rubén Bastón (Marketing4eCommerce Podcast), José Carlos Cortizo-Corti (En.Digital) and Pol Rodríguez (PlanetaM), who decided to put their ideas together and launch the project

“We want to make known to our communities what podcasts we like and recommend, that they know what is on the net with content of interest, and little by little we will be able to professionalize the podcast sector”, they indicated during the first chapter.

Redcast is positioned as a quality seal to group the true references within podcasting, dealing with topics as varied as digital marketing, ecommerce, entrepreneurship, SEO or podcasting and social networks.

K. Tovar

Source: Marketing4ecommerce

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