YouTube will incorporate the use of artificial intelligence in music

The video sharing platform YouTube detailed the principles by which the use of AI will be guided in the future

YouTube announced that it will incorporate artificial intelligence (AI) to enhance musical creativity on its platform “responsibly” and in collaboration with its record partners.

The video-sharing platform detailed the principles by which the use of AI will be guided, such as “include adequate protections and open opportunities for music partners who decide to adopt it.”

“We have created a security and trust system and content policies that are leaders in the sector. We will expand these elements to meet the challenges of AI,” the company said.

The announcement comes alongside the launch of a program called YouTube Music AI Incubator, in partnership with the Universal Music Group label, which will include artists, songwriters and producers.

YouTube consolidates its advances in generative artificial intelligence as a springboard towards new forms of business and to promote creativity.

Taken and with information from ElSumario

(Reference image source: Souvik Banerjee, Unsplash)

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