Spain launches an application to reduce traffic accidents

The Samsung Copilot tool was created in Spain. Some 25 thousand users have downloaded it and in 28 thousand hours of driving it has issued more than 4,100 somnolence alerts

Drivers in Spain have a new application to help them prevent fatal accidents caused, mainly, by drowsiness at the wheel.

This is the Samsung Copilot app, developed by Spanish talent, framed in the Technology with purpose plan. Its creation was led by a research group led by professor Sergio Ríos of the UNIR.

Drivers can download Samsung Copilot for free in Google Pay’s Galaxy App to their smartwatch. A potential advantage is that it is compatible with different manufacturers.

An average of 25 thousand users have already downloaded the app, which works through an algorithm that emits an alert by vibration, when the drowsiness signal is detected. This is done by the smartwatch through gyroscope, accelerometer and heart rate monitor.

The application is key in the prevention of road accidents caused mainly by drowsiness caused by fatigue or other reasons during the trip.



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