IDB commits to Latin America
The new president of the IDB, Ilhan Goldfajn assured that there will be a more important development institution for the region
The new president of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ilhan Goldfajn, promised to ensure that the multilateral bank is the “most important” development institution for Latin America and the Caribbean, becoming a “reliable” partner and a center of experience and knowledge for the region.
In his first speech as president, Goldfajn identified social protection, climate change and investment in physical and digital infrastructures as the priority areas in which the organization will act under his recently inaugurated mandate, with the aim of “promoting” regional integration. and productivity.
“The people of Latin America need better jobs, safer streets, quality health care, better public services and other essentials of life to which they rightly aspire”, he said, adding that “I can think of no better institution than the IDB to help the region realize its hopes”.
Still, Goldfajn said these challenges were not created overnight and therefore will not be solved overnight. “I ask for your patience and persistence in the face of the enormous challenge of raising expectations for the future.”
K. Tovar
Source: El Pais
(Reference image source: Bloomberg)
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