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Cost of the food basket in May reached USD 547.13

The Cendas-FVM data placed the price of the basic basket at USD 547.13 for the month of May and the basic basket, USD 1,163.12. According to its director, Óscar Meza, the increase in the price of food affects the purchasing power of the…

German inflation slows to 10 % in November

The consumer price index (CPI) in Germany stood at 10 % in November, which represents a slowdown of four tenths compared to the year-on-year increase registered in October and the same figure as in September, according to the data advance…

The UN commemorates World Food Day 2022

This October 16 marks International Food Day. This year's slogan, "Leave no one behind", encompasses the UN's commitment, in more than 150 countries, to carry out sustainable programs in this area and guarantee the health and well-being of…