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Snapchat adds music to videos, similar to TikTok

The social network Snapchat has begun to test in a limited way a function with which allows users to add music to videos short films they publish, similar to the musicals of the video social network TikTok. The feature, which has been…

Amazon will have a new energy project in China

The Amazon company announced at least five new renewable energy projects in China, Australia and the United States. With this, the online commerce company supports its commitment to reach the goal of working with 80% renewable energy by…

New software is used to investigate Covid-19

Stanford University has been working for more than twenty years on the developing software that can be used for the research on Covid-19, which is integrated into laboratory teams around the world through a distributed computing platform on…

Spotify released the beta version for children

As reported by the Swedish multiplatform, Spotify, the stable version of Spotify Kids is now available, an entertainment option for the enjoyment of the kids that provides a completely secure platform without announcement. The new mobile…

More than 200 people arrested for money laundering

According to the European agency Europol, police from at least 30 countries arrested more than 200 people for money laundering which affected 3,800 victims online who innocently served as "financial mules". The investigations went depth on…