UK companies could move to the Netherlands after the rexit

Due to the effect caused by brexit, the uncertainty will cause a move of companies to the Netherlands

The Brexit effect is increasingly felt within the United Kingdom, during a meeting held at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate many companies talked about moving their operations to Holland.

After the referendum, where the separation between the United Kingdom and the European Union started in June 2016, at least 140 have chosen to migrate to the Netherlands, “78 of which decided this in 2019″.

“Even now that the United Kingdom left the European Union and entered a transition period, uncertainty about the new economic relationship and the unforeseen effects on international trade persist”, the NFIA said in a statement.

This agency explained that these companies opened the job opportunity to 4,200 people and an investment of 405 million dollars in their first three years in the Netherlands.

“With the persistent uncertainty (around Brexit), it is clear that international companies seek alternatives in the European market,” said Jeroen Nijland, head of the NFIA.

K. Tovar

Source: Bancaynegocios

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