Binance seeks diplomatic immunity to avoid regulations

During a meeting held in Austin, Texas, the company discussed with other companies possible ways to avoid sanctions by governments

During the meeting “Cryptofund Roundtable” held in Austin (Texas, Binance discussed with other companies on how to avoid possible regulatory sanctions from governments.

The company that now operates in Malta, Singapore, Bermuda and Uganda escaped from China and Japan in the past in order to create a more decentralized and regulatory-free model.

The company has always carried a policy known as “know-your-costumer”, as well as maintaining anti-money laundering measures that are much more favorable than most of those handled by other companies.

On this topic and in that meeting held in the United States, the CTO of Blocktower Capital Ari Paul, explained that what is needed today is the “backing of a country that basically grants diplomatic immunity” to avoid severe sanctions.

“They are doing the kind of things that people go to jail for. This is very difficult to achieve on a large scale and in the long term. The only way I see this cycle broken is to get the explicit backing of a country that basically guarantees diplomatic immunity”.

K. Tovar

Source: Coincrispy

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