Steve Wozniak created his own blockchain network

With EQUI Global, the co-founder of Apple seeks to innovate in the way of doing business in the industry with non-institutional investments

The co-founder of the Apple company, Steve Wozniak, announced the launch of its venture capital fund focused on blockchain technology, and which is called EQUI Global.

The objective of this project is to innovate in the way of doing business in the industry through non-institutional investments, as well as to allow its investors to exchange their funds in external exchanges.

The participation of Wozniak will help to provide credibility and support in the company, as well as provide their knowledge for the identification of technology startups where they can invest.

“I get ideas every day, actually dozens and I always say no. Since I co-founded Apple with Steve Jobs, this is the second time in twenty years that I have said yes”, said Wozniak.

On the other hand, the co-founder of Apple defined the company’s goal in “seeking, supporting and financing the blockchain”, and also assured that until now there are more than 20 businesses that have already partnered with EQUI Global.

K. Tovar

Source: Veredict

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