Venezuela signs global agreement to simplify trade in services
An agreement presented by the World Trade Organization could represent a promising future for Venezuela, which seeks to simplify its processes
The president of the National Council of Commerce and Services of Venezuela (Consecomercio), Gustavo Valecillos, highlighted the recent signing by the country of an agreement proposed by the World Trade Organization, which would help achieve the goal of simplifying trade in services.
According to Valecillos, the agreement “will benefit the logistics sector through the simplification, facilitation, standardization and harmonization of customs processes.”
He described Venezuela’s accession as an important and significant step. In addition, he referred to the upcoming “promulgation of the Non-Petroleum Export Promotion Law, which is currently being drafted, we are sure that the entire country will benefit.”
Venezuela has demonstrated, with the signing of the agreement, its firm purpose, through Consecomercio, to optimize the internal commercial and economic infrastructure, as well as implement the necessary policies for the development of international trade, in accordance with the proposals of the 53rd Assembly of Consecomercio in Puerto Cabello.
Benefits for the logistics sector in Venezuela
The signing of the agreement proposed by the World Trade Organization can generate benefits for “the growth and professionalization of the logistics sector to facilitate international trade,” according to Gretsy Marín, president of the Association of Freight and Customs Agents of Venezuela (Asocav).
He stressed that “investments must be encouraged in safe conditions, the development of logistics facilitation areas such as warehouses specialized in services to the export sector, improvement of infrastructure by land and in communications situations, satellite monitoring of all exports that leave To make.”
Source: globovision
(Reference image source: CHUTTERSNAP en Unsplash)
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