The president of the National Council of Commerce and Services (Consecomercio), Gustavo Valeillos, indicated that the organization predicts 40 % inflation in Venezuela by the end of this year.
Valecillos stressed “the commitment of the business sector” in terms of its contribution in terms of…
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Consecomercio calls for reactivation of the economy in Venezuela
The National Council of Commerce and Services (Consecomercio) called for the reactivation of the economy in Venezuela last Thursday, in a meeting with merchants and service providers.
Given the uncertainty prevailing in the country after…
Venezuela signs global agreement to simplify trade in services
The president of the National Council of Commerce and Services of Venezuela (Consecomercio), Gustavo Valecillos, highlighted the recent signing by the country of an agreement proposed by the World Trade Organization, which would help…
Consecomercio proposes seven economic reforms in Venezuela
Gustavo Valecillos, president of the National Council of Commerce and Services, Consecomercio, presented this Tuesday a proposal for changes for the sector, within the framework of the celebration of the 44th edition of the National Day of…
Transactions with Zelle, PayPal and Reserve must pay the IGTF tax
The National Integrated Tax and Customs Administration Service (Seniat) explained that transactions carried out through payment gateways such as Zelle, PayPal, Reserve and other similar ones will be taxed by the Tax on Large Financial…
Cavecom-e organizes the II International Congress of E-Commerce Venezuela 2021
On November 24 and 25, the II International Congress of E-Commerce Venezuela 2021 will be held. It is a virtual event with free access, organized by the Cámara Venezolana de Comercio Electrónico (Cavecom-e) under the auspices of the Consejo…
Fundamental technologies for business in Venezuela
Within the framework of the LI Annual Meeting of Consecomercio, the main partner of the firm PWC (PriceWaterhouseCoopers) Pedro Pacheco explained that the incursion of technology in business is a mega trend that must be evaluated in detail…