Venezuela creates telecommunications corporation

Nicolás Maduro issued the decree through which the National Corporation of Telecommunications and Postal Services will be created to group the telephone companies of the state

The anonymous company National Telecommunications and Postal Services Corporation of Venezuela, was recently created in Venezuela through Decree 3,854 published in the Official Gazette number 41,639. This was indicated in national broadcast of Nicolás Maduro.

He affirmed that the corporation will count on its own capital and “will group all the socialist and private companies in the field of telecommunications”, such as Cantv, Movilnet, Telecom, Venezuela’s Broadcasting Network, Gran Caribe Communications and Ipostel.

During the broadcast in all media, Maduro pointed out that the corporation is aimed at promoting the current and future capabilities of telecommunications in Venezuela.

The president emphasized that they will work on the necessary improvements in the area of ​​telecommunications and job creation. The Official Gazette describes the obligations and competencies of the company, which include: “attention and exploitation of telecommunications services, whether they are end-users, carriers, voice, image, data, video, value-added services, converging and multimedia “

The corporation will be responsible for the services that are created, developed or derived from those mentioned or determined by technological progress, “including local, national and international long distance telephony, mobile, advanced national and international mobile services, radiotelephony and cellular telephony, data transmission, Internet access, subscription television, as well as means for the transmission of radio and television programs.”

A relevant aspect of the presidential statement has to do with an immediate investment ordered by Maduro in the technology of “Huawei, ZTE and all Chinese and Russian companies for us to increase telecommunications capabilities and make the 4G system in Venezuela a national reality.”


Fuente: La Verdad

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