Portuguese airline Hi Fly is the first plastic free

The company is part of the challenge of sustainable development for the year 2030, with initiatives that respect the environment

The damage caused to the planet by the plastic that is used in the industrial and domestic sector is one of the main challenges for 2030. It is estimated that the annual production of plastic is 300 million tons. Some analysts estimate that if measures are not taken by 2050 there will be more plastic in the sea than fish.

The aeronautical industry produces a large amount of plastic waste on a daily basis due to food containers for its commercial flights. The Portuguese airline Hi Fly is part of the fight to reduce this damage to the environment by becoming the first “plastic free”.

The project is based on “the intention to contribute with and protect the environment through a comprehensive biodegradable proposal that allows users to save 1,500 kilograms of plastic that are produced on average during an airplane journey”.

The motto that the company has used in its four test flights is: “Welcome to the first flight of the world without plastics of a single use” which is part of the “Planet or plastic?” Campaign. Its intention is to generate awareness about the great damages that plastics have caused in the world.

The plastic containers used to serve meals to passengers, as well as salt shakers, spoons, bottles, among others, will be replaced by other bamboo or recyclable materials.

Paulo Miirpuri, director of the company, confirmed the commitment of Hi Fly to become the first single-use plastic free airline this year. The tests that are being carried out focus on the protection of the environment through a change of conscience both at an individual and corporate level.


Source: LAFM.com

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