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As technology advances, devices are replaced by more efficient ones with more functions. Recycling this electronic waste responsibly is a great challenge at a global level. It is not unusual to see old cell phone batteries and other electronic or electrical devices in common waste containers.…

New York sued PepsiCo

In a powerful legal action, the New York State Attorney's Office filed a lawsuit against soft drink and snack giant PepsiCo, accusing it of polluting the Buffalo River with its disposable plastic packaging. The indictment alleges that these…

Lenovo seeks to make its products more sustainable

Lenovo has reached a milestone in its effort to advance the circular economy and move toward its goal of achieving net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. From January 2019 to December 2021 Lenovo used more than 18,750 tons of recycled…

A class of plastics can be recycled countless times

A class of plastics used in the aerospace and electronics industries can be chemically broken down into their most basic elements and reformed into the same material countless times. Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder, who…