Microsoft and Apple want to leave certain services out of the Digital Market Law
Both companies said they have no intention of including Bing search and iPhone messages under this law.
Microsoft and Apple expressed their intention not to include the Bing search engine and iPhone Messages in the European Union’s Digital Markets Law (DMA), since they allege that they are not sufficiently popular services to be framed within the restrictions of the rule.
The Digital Markets Law establishes new rules for technology companies, especially those like Meta, Apple or Google, which are considered controllers or gatekeepers of the market, for which they must assume a series of obligations and prohibitions that guarantee fair competition in the digital sector.
To this end, the law provides that digital companies considered gatekeepers have responsibilities such as sharing their data, including links in their services that take users to other competitors in the sector, and making their services interoperable with other applications from rival companies.
Likewise, as detailed by the European Commission, for a company within the digital market to be included in the scope of application of the standard, it must have a turnover of more than 7,500 million euros in annual turnover, a higher market capitalization to 75,000 million euros and, at least, 45 million monthly active users in the European Union.
In other words, according to these parameters, companies such as Apple, Microsoft, Google, Meta, Amazon or ByteDance are considered gatekeepers and must adapt their services in accordance with the DMA restrictions.
Source: dpa
(Reference image source: Kanchanara, Unsplash)
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