Mastercard announces support for Latin American companies

The payment processor will create a digital platform with partners from the region to support small companies in Latin America and the Caribbean

The multinational Mastercard announced the creation of a digital platform, by the hand of different partners, in order to provide support to small companies in Latin America and the Caribbean.

The company has the objective of enabling a channel for these enterprises so that they can make the definitive leap into the world of technology, within the framework of the consequences generated by the pandemic in the world.

The Digital Acceleration Platform for SMEs is aimed at providing benefits, resources and services to companies that are “the backbone of the economy and a fundamental pillar for the community” in Latin American and Caribbean countries, said Daniel Acosta, vice president of commercials products in Mastercard Latin America and the Caribbean.

Today, 99% of companies in the region are considered small, with a number of 1-50 employees, and earnings of up to $ 4 million a year. These also generate a 30% contribution to the Regional Gross Domestic Product and provide employment opportunities to 70% of the active population.

Acosta points out that electronic commerce, measured by the volume of card payments, has gone from representing 22% of total card payments in annual terms to more than 30% in Latin America and the Caribbean.

K. Tovar

Source: Listindiario

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