Hackers steal assets from Monero wallet

A cyberattack on the Monero platform wallet has caused the loss of all its assets, valued at USD 460,000

The attack carried out on September 1 by still unidentified hackers on the Monero platform wallet caused the loss of funds valued at around USD 460,000.

As you may remember, this community’s crowdfunding wallet suffered this attack in September, but it was reported on November 2. The hackers deleted its entire balance of 2,675.73 Monero.

The authorities are investigating the case to find those responsible for affecting Monero, a platform that “finances development proposals of its members.”

The company’s developer, Ricardo Spagnini, has stated: “This attack is inconceivable, since they have taken funds that a taxpayer could count on to pay rent or buy food.”

Since April, Monero has suffered several cyberattacks that have compromised a hundred keys due to an unidentified breach. In this regard, some developers point out that “the breach could have originated because the wallet keys were available online on the Ubuntu server.”

In any case, it is presumed that the attack was possible due to a security flaw, in which a Windows computer could be involved, due to an undetected chain of botnets.


Source: cointelegraph

(Reference image source: Traxer, Unsplash)

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