Google will apply new measures against cryptojacking

The most important browser in the world prepares new verification processes to avoid attack by hackers

Through the official Google browser blog it was known that developers are working on new and stongest measures to reduce the risk of suffering cryptojacking.

The most important search engine in the world wants to be at the forefront in terms of the extensions for its Chrome browser, as well as improve policies related to developers who distribute extensions through the Chrome Web Store.

“It is crucial that users can trust that the extensions they install are safe, ensure their privacy, and also work well. Users should be able to have full transparency about the capabilities of the extension and access to their information”, detailed the company’s blog.

The plan is that users can restrict the extension’s access to a list of websites, which will be personalized.

In accordance with this, Google commented that it will thoroughly review all the extensions that require excessive permissions, or that use a code hosted remotely.

The plan for the future of the browser is that all the accounts of the extensions must go through the verification of two steps, so that it can prevent a hacker from getting access information.

K. Tovar

Source: CoinDesk

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