Opera works on new blockchain solutions

The board of directors of the company achieved an alliance with Ledger Capital to work on new projects related to the world of cryptocurrencies and this technology

The developers of Opera, one of the most important Internet providers in the world, said this week that thanks to an alliance with Ledger Capital they will develop new solutions related to blockchain technology.

The strategic alliance will allow both companies to obtain “new applications and use cases for the blockchain, as well as growth opportunities”.

Last week, the browser had entered the world of cryptocurrencies with a mobile wallet built into its Android browser, in addition to opening the beta phase of this product in July.

Ledger Capital manager, Ding’an Fei, pointed out that Opera has been one of the first browsers to take the initiative in terms of integrating the digital world with cryptocurrencies.

“Opera would have already taken the initiative among the most important browsers by integrating a cryptocurrency wallet and investments from leading industry companies such as Bitmain. We are excited to explore the next steps to determine how Opera will continue to grow in this ecosystem, as well as the technical skills necessary to create exponential value for its user base and the blockchain community“, explained the manager.

K. Tovar

Source: CoinCrispy

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