Google Drive disappears from old versions of Windows

In August 2023, Windows 7 and 8 users will no longer have the Google Drive service

Microsoft continues to advance better and more effective privacy protection measures. In this sense, he confirmed that in August, Google Drive will no longer be available for Windows 7 and 8.

According to the technology, which in January 2023 eliminated technical support for versions prior to Windows 11, indicated that it also wants to “correct vulnerabilities in its cloud service in more brand software.”

In this sense, it was learned that next August Windows 7 and 8 will no longer have access to Google Drive.

Given the increasing vulnerability in terms of security, the service is not secure in these old versions of the operating system. But the firm goes further, as it has indicated that “32-bit Windows 8, 8.1 and 10 will not have access to its cloud service as of August of this year either.”

Users who want to keep their files on the Internet protected will be forced to “have Windows 10 64-bit or Windows 11 or migrate them to other cloud services, such as OneDrive, Mega or Terabox.”


Source: 20minutos

(Reference image source: Windows, Unsplash)

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