Fake Chrome and Safari updates download AMOS malware

Cybersecurity researchers warn about false Chrome and Safari updates that allow computers to be infected with AMOS malware

Fake application and server updates are causing havoc among Internet users. Cybersecurity researchers have unveiled malicious campaigns that release the AMOS (Atomic Stealer) malware by downloading fraudulent Chrome and Safari updates.

One of the most efficient ways for hackers to trap victims is through false advertising. They use it to gain the customer’s trust, make them download a fake update, and take over their data.

Atomic Stealer, also known as AMOS, is a malware that has returned to digital scenarios through these malicious Chrome and Safari updates for MacOS computers.

In September, cybersecurity experts noticed its reappearance, camouflaged in malicious advertising. But before, in April, it was used in an attack focused on cryptocurrencies.

Social engineering campaigns allow attackers to achieve their objectives. This is the case of Clearfacke, according to reports from Malwarebytes, “which takes advantage of compromised websites to distribute false Safari and Chrome updates for MacOS.”

When the user downloads the update, they receive a request to open the files through which the commands are activated to “steal data and send it to a server controlled by the malicious actor.”


Source: teleradioamerica

(Reference image source: Unsplash+, in collaboration with Getty Images)

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