Cybersecurity and anti-money laundering are critical priorities in today's business environment. The International Forum on Cybersecurity and Prevention of Money Laundering – III Edition, a virtual event to be held on August 28, 29 and 30, facilitates and offers a unique space to explore the most…
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computer security
MQD: 14 years doing both effective and ethical Digital Marketing
This July 22, MásQueDigital commemorates its creation, a historic and initial moment on success path: its fourteenth anniversary; which led it to become an undisputed reference in the field of Digital Marketing. Since its founding in 2010,…
Data loss or unauthorized access has devastating effects
Data is the most valuable asset for companies and organizations, as it contains privileged information about customers, business strategies, research, technological developments and much more. Hence, the loss or unauthorized access to this…
Prevention: Having multiple backups of your data should be a priority for companies
Cyberattacks, data privacy and the real possibility of creating Deep Fakes are major concerns today for both companies and individuals. Artificial Intelligence (AI), which helps advance so quickly in various subjects and areas, also has its…
MásQueSeguridad participated and reported from the ‘II Citizen Security Expo 2022’
The II Edition of the 'Citizen Security Expo 2022' was held between December 2 and 4 at the Simón Bolívar Park facilities, in La Carlota (Caracas), and MásQueSeguridad (MQS), a leading company in cybersecurity services —which not only had a…
Lino Simoes: Strategic Management is part of the success at MásQueDigital
Within the framework of the 12th Anniversary of MásQueDigital (MQD), an organization focused on the development and provision of services in the areas of Digital Marketing, e-Branding and Computer Security –including reputation management…
MásQueSeguridad: Cyberwar and natural phenomena are threats this 2022
The situational strategic analysis table made up of the different area managers of the MásQuéDigital (MQD) y MásQueSeguridad (MQS) organizations – meeting in Caracas – insisted on its warning to take extreme measures to prevent and protect…
ITNEWSLAT and Rafael Núñez present: “How to prepare a cyber attack”
On January 18 ITNEWSLAT will hold a virtual event, called "How to prepare a cyberattack", which will be attended by the director of MasQueDigital, Rafael Núñez, to provide information about cyberattacks, an increasingly common situation in…
MásQueSeguridad validates that cybercrime re-evolution will manifest itself in 2022
Cybercrime re-evolution is a concrete threat by 2022
The costliest cyberattacks in history have taken place over the past two years, with record amounts of stolen credit cards, high-tech crimes suitable for stopping companies and…
Germany would increase cybersecurity spending by 6.2 billion
The cybersecurity market is growing rapidly in Germany amid fears of extortion programs and data leaks, the digital association Bitkom reported today.
For this year, an expenditure of 6,200 million euros (7,160 million dollars) is expected…
HP will provide solutions to companies affected by COVID-19
The HP company introduced its new support services to respond to the challenges facing companies after the new coronavirus pandemic and to facilitate remote management of the work environment.
With this situation, companies have found…
Bitcoin could be the worst payment method of the dark web
The bitcoin cryptocurrency is considered one of the worst payment methods on the dark web, although it is the most used and accepted.
The reason is simple given that people use this network to carry on illegal business, the cryptocurrency…