Crewled: free, secure and decentralized video calls

It is a service that does not require a server for its operation and has a basic plan of 45 free minutes and capacity for 30 people

With the rise of teleworking video calls have become popular, but most companies that offer the service depend on a central server that allows or facilitates communication. This carries some security risks, regardless of what you are doing or if they offer end-to-end encryption, because strangers or hackers can join.

However, the decentralized video calling service is already on the market with Crewled. It does not require an operator or company as an intermediary to achieve communication with the users or clients that you want.

Crewled is a decentralized service, with different plans depending on the needs of the users. However, with the basic plan, people have 45 free minutes to make video calls to a maximum of 30 people simultaneously and can also “establish security parameters and share the screen.”

Its operation is very similar to the video calling service of the Zoom platform ; “you just have to start a call and share the link with the participants.” Additionally, they can “integrate with Slack, Outlook and Google Calendar” allowing you to schedule video calls and integrate them into the email calendar.

M. Rodríguez


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