AWS to invest to build a data center in Mexico

Amazon Web Services (AWS) will invest more than $5 billion to create a data center facility in Querétaro

Amazon Web Services (AWS), a unit of Inc, announced on Monday that it will invest more than $5 billion to create a data center facility in Mexico.

This new data center region will be located in Querétaro, a state in central Mexico. The infrastructure will consist of three availability zones, each with one or more data centers, and is expected to be operational in early 2025, offering all 240 of the company’s services.

Rubén Mugártegui, CEO of AWS Mexico, explained in a press conference that this investment represents the most important of Amazon’s technology arm in the country over the past 15 years.

The decision was based on customer demand, as well as factors such as latency, seismicity and flood levels. In addition, the favorable outlook for Mexico’s economic development and the growing demand for cloud services and applications, especially due to company relocation and nearshoring, were considered.

Mugártegui also said that this investment will not be the only or the last, and that AWS will continue to develop even greater infrastructure in the future. This expansion will not only benefit large corporations, but will also facilitate the development of new businesses. By 2028, 98% of companies are expected to use AI.

In summary, this investment by AWS in Mexico marks a significant milestone and will contribute to the country’s technological and economic growth, while positioning Querétaro as an important data center in the region.

K. Tovar

Source: Bancaynegocios

(Reference image source: Christian Wiediger, Unsplash)

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