Apple eliminates parental control applications

Apple decided to remove and impose restrictions to at least 11 of the 17 most downloaded AppStore applications that consume airtime or parental controls

The decision of the technology giant has put at risk the viability of several affected companies. OurPact which has 80% of its revenue through the Apple store, is a good example.

Developers have shown their annoyance and dissatisfaction with the firm in the face of the few explanations they have been offered. Apple only told them that the applications violated store rules and could be used to get too much data.

However, those affected were not informed that the action was related to the “Time of Use” tool. For its part, the consortium explained that many of the parental control applications were removed, although it did not explain why.

It was found that the reasons are related to the Apple tool and among the withdrawn apps are found: Balance Screen Time, Moment Health and Verizon Smart Family.

Apple said in a statement: “Over the past year, we realized that some of these parental control apps used a very invasive technology called Mobile Device Management (MDM). This technology gives third parties control and access to a device and its most sensitive information, such as user location, app usage, email accounts, camera permissions and browsing history”.

Ultimately, the company allowed developers to work with Mobile Device Management but now discovered that it undermines the security and privacy of users.


Source: Xataka

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