ILO celebrates 100 years of achievements

According to a report by the International Labour Organization, labour, technological and environmental changes are generating new concerns about occupational safety and health (OSH)

For the International Labour Organization (ILO), growing challenges include psychosocial risks, work-related stress and non-communicable diseases, with an emphasis on circulatory and respiratory diseases and cancer.

The Report entitled Safety and Health at the Heart of the Future of Work: Building on 100 Years of Experience reveals emerging safety and health issues in the field of work. It also examines 100 years of the ILO’s invaluable work on these issues.

Every year, more than 374 million people are injured or become sick as a result of work-related accidents.

Manal Azzi, a technical specialist at the ILO says: “Just as we see greater prevention for recognized risks, we also see profound changes in our workplaces and in the way we work. We need healthy and safety structures that reflect these changes, along with a general culture of prevention that fosters shared responsibility.

The publication highlights five major transformational forces driving change, including technology, demographic change, sustainable development, climate change and changes in the organization of work.



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