Facebook changes the name of the news section

The social network announced the change of its main section where the publications are shared, which was called news feed

Facebook decided to change the name of its main section ‘News feed’, known as the news section in Spanish and from which it shows the publications of other users and groups, which is now called only Feed.

The social network owned by Meta made the announcement through its Twitter account, where it explained that the change of name from the news feed section to just Feed becomes effective from this week.

The current Facebook Feed is “a constantly updated list of stories that appears in the central part of the home page”, as the platform explains on its support page.

This section is where the user accesses most of the Facebook content, such as status updates, photos, videos, links, application activity and likes of people, pages and groups, ordered by the social network algorithm.

Content from external sources is also included, such as groups or news with which the user’s friends have interacted, even if they do not follow them. The members of the social network can hide the contents that they do not prefer to see.

The news is just one type of content that is shown to users in their Feed, and Facebook has chosen to remove this reference in the name of the section.

K. Tovar

Source: Unocero

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