Established specifications for Ethereum blockchain

The initiative is the result of 18 months of collaboration between business leaders, technological developments and platforms within the technical committee of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance

Through a statement, the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA) showed the new technical specifications that “will establish common standards” in the Blockchain community of Ethereum.

Jeremy Millar, co-founder of the initiative, said during statements made at the Coindesk Consensus 2018 conference that “the goal of the Enterprise Ethereum Alliance is to align the various stakeholders, users, startups, large technology platforms, in a single territory so that decisions can be made together. “

For his part, the director of the EEA, Ron Resnick, reported that within the framework of the advances, “the Enterprise Ethereum specification of the EEA is the result of 18 months of intense collaboration between leading members of companies, technological developments and platforms within the technical committee (…) This framework of code and open platform will allow a massive adoption on a scale and breadth that previously could not have been achieved, counting only on the individual corporate methods “

Resnick noted that the project aims to connect advances in client software developed by group members. “All the Ethereum client companies see the need to agree on these basic components and how they communicate with each other, because if we do not, then we do not have a way to compete against proprietary solutions,” he said.

N. Moncada

Source: CoinCrispy

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