Technology and economic growth

The globalization favors productivity and the transmission of knowledge

Knowledge transcends borders. Thanks to new technologies, every innovation in a country is known in the short and medium term in the rest of the world and, even, applied according to its own characteristics. Countries such as the United States, Germany, France, Korea and China have produced most of the inventions in recent years in areas such as medicine, cybersecurity, robotics or the automotive industry.

The global flow of knowledge is a vehicle for the empowerment of peoples, as they have innovative and practical tools to include in their reality. And this leads to a better quality of life, greater competitiveness and major income.

The world economy, but especially that of emerging countries, also benefits from the rapid and efficient transmission of information. The greater the knowledge, the better the qualification of the workforce, which results in a high performance, fulfillment of goals and objectives in the different sectors of the economy.


Source: Dialogo a fondo

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