Venezuelan government enables remittance platform in cryptocurrencies

As indicated from the Patria platform, this will allow Venezuelans to receive remittances in bolivars from assets such as bitcoin and litecoin

The Venezuelan government announced the launch of a new platform of remittances through the Patria system, which includes the use of cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin and litecoin.

This service received the approval of the Superintendence of Cryptoactives and Related Activities (Sunacrip) and was later made official through the corresponding Official Gazette.

“The Patria Platform presents its system ‘Remittances to Venezuela’ that allows the transfer of cryptocurrencies (btc and ltc) and receive their value in bolivars in the Monedero Patria. The average time of the operation is 34 min btc and 11 min ltc, they indicated through social networks.

This system will help the Venezuelan population receive payments in bolivars that come from the aforementioned cryptocurrencies.

Whoever receives the remittance must be registered on the page and the money will be sent generating a hash to identify it.

Subsequently, the amount in crypto will be credited in bolivars, legal currency in Venezuela, in the beneficiary’s account.

K. Tovar

Source: DiarioBitcoin

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