Hong Kong launches web platform for unbanked people

Unbanked people now count on Bitspark, a digital tool to perform various banking operations easily and quickly

Bitspark is a web and mobile platform created in Hong Kong by Maxine Ryan -George Harrap- as an inclusion mechanism in the field of banking for people who do not have accounts but need to make payments, transfers and send remittances to family members.

The platform is user friendly; that is, easy to use, and offers speed in sending and receiving money. It also offers “analysis tools” under the rules established by the industry.

In 2014 Bitspark made the first “cash-in-cash-out” operation with remittances through bitcoin. Subsequently, the orientation of the company based on blockchain technology changed to the transfer of money and expanded to Asia Pacific and Africa, including Hong Kong, Malaysia, Ghana, Nigeria, the Philippines, Indonesia, Vietnam and Pakistan.

The founders of the firm detected that “people lacked bank accounts or did not have the possibilities to cover the high commissions of international transfers”. Thus, Bitspark became a solution for those who were excluded from the banking system.

At present, thousands of people in the world benefit from the services offered by this platform for the transfer of remittances to their relatives in other countries, with which they reduce their expenses for services.


Source: TG.Press

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