Tecnológico de Monterrey uses blockchain to issue university degrees

The first university in Mexico and throughout Latin America to issue digital degrees and certifications using the blockchain is the Tecnológico de Monterrey

The Vicerrectoría de Educación Continua of Tecnológico de Monterrey considers that traditional titles are already insufficient. As of 2015, it began issuing digital certificates. But as of June this year it grants all those who complete a diploma, workshop, seminar or course at the institution, a physical diploma, a digital one and the digital badge, all endorsed in blockchain.

The possibility is already available in all the headquarters of the house of studies at national level, as well as some abroad, including that of Colombia and Peru. The Vice Chancellor said that until now in Mexico and Latin America are the only ones in the education sector that use the technology of block chains in digital certifications.

Digital certifications have the same function as physical certifications. However, they open the door to new opportunities. For example, it is easier to add them to a digital curricular synthesis or to the social network Linkedin, as well as to share them with any person or organization around the world.

It is appropriate to highlight that the vouchers or digital titles save paper, space, prevent the person from losing the document or being mistreated, and it is highly secure.

Any interested company can verify the authenticity of the title or certificate, entering a portal of Tecnológico de Monterrey that uses blockchain as a notary, locates the ID of the transaction, checks it and confirms that it has not been altered since the record was added.


Source:  Diario Bitcoin

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