Amazon optimizes e-commerce with artificial intelligence

The online sales giant released Amazon Scout, its "like" button to help customers find more products according to their preferences

Amazon Scout is the “like” button Amazon just launched to make it easier for customers to search and purchase items from their catalog of offers.

It is found in the menu, on the upper left side of the Amazon page and works based on artificial intelligence. As the client “likes” a product, the system registers their preferences and then shows similar alternatives according to the saved data.

The recommendations are immediate. This feature of artificial intelligence optimizes e-commerce and provides customers with a wide range of options in household items, for personal use and more that works similarly to platforms such as Pinterest or Netflix.

The “like” option allows the system to trace search patterns to then offer items of preference as well as not display those that do not enter the customer’s vote.

With the launch of Amazon Scout, the online sales giant seeks to simplify the search process and the selection of the article that meets the expectations of the users of the platform.


Source: Marketing4Ecommerce

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