The AI ​​has revolutionized digital finance

An analysis of the World Forum detailed that artificial intelligence has arrived to adjust the rules of financial services

The World Economic Forum indicated recently that artificial intelligence (AI) has come to revolutionize the world of finance.

The study carried out in collaboration with Deloitte, and called “The New Physics of Financial Services“, detailed that there are three specific axes that have been affected by the AI: the administration and operation of the offices, the structure and regulations of the financial market and the social challenges to be solved.

“As past differentiation methods are eroded, artificial intelligence presents an opportunity for institutions to avoid price competition for government deregulation by introducing new ways of distinguishing themselves from clients,” an extract from the research details.

The financial life of the clients of world big banking institutions will improve, as well as their economic level, given that companies every day seek to enter the competition to have diversity in their data.

The researchers concluded that AI ​​will require a collaborative reexamination of the principles and techniques of supervision in order to address gray ethical areas and regulatory uncertainties that reduce the willingness of institutions to adopt more transformative tools.

K. Tovar

Source: Milenio

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