Central Bank of Russia launched a sandbox ICO

The institution managed to carry out this pilot test without any inconvenience, according to Ivan Semagin.

This Tuesday, the Central Bank of Russia completed the launch of its first experimental Initial Coin Offering (ICO), which will be within the sandbox itself.

With reference to the above initiative, the director of the Development Department for the Financial Markets, Ivan Semagin, explained that this test yielded a very satisfactory result for the board.

“The Central Bank of Russia launched a sandbox ICO based on an existing infrastructure. The experiment was successful from the technical point of view, despite the fact that we are still deliberating certain legal issues, said the executive.

The sandbox platform was launched by Russia in April last year, in order to have a safe space to try new products and services based on blockchain technology and any other that is related to digital finance.

Although in previous opportunities, the government of Russia has shown a negative approach towards cryptocurrencies due to its relation with money laundering, tax evasion, among others, it has not ruled out the benefits that this and the blockchain can bring to a nation.

K. Tovar

Source: CriptomonedasICO

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