YouTube will no longer receive community collaboration for subtitles

Google made the decision to stop using these aids from September 28 due to spam and offensive language problems

YouTube will stop using Community contributions to introduce subtitles and translations in videos in September, due to very low use, spam cases and abuse problems reported by users and creators.

Subtitles and translations of videos help make YouTube more accessible. The company gives creators the option to enter them manually or use the tool that the platform that generates them automatically. A third option is to resort to the collaboration of the Community.

However, collaborations are a source of “spam, abuse and low-quality contributions”, despite the fact that they are hardly used. In the last month, according to data from the platform, less than 0.001% of channels have published subtitles from the Community.

For this reason, From Google they decided to end the contributions of the Community in all channels from September 28, as collected by a member of the YouTube team in the service forum.

In September of last year, YouTube revised its policies for the community of collaborators to make manual review mandatory by the creators of contributions, as a way to tackle trolls that included offensive language or spam.

K. Tovar

Source: dpa

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