WB highlights reforms to favor business climate in China, India and Nigeria

According to the annual Doing Business 2020 report, there are 294 reforms in the world, the majority to reduce costs and favor business

In the global finance market, there are countries promoting numerous reforms to favor the business climate, among which China, India and Nigeria stand out. These countries have joined the list led by New Zealand, Singapore and Denmark, as indicated by the annual report Doing business 2020 of the World Bank (WB).

“Governments can boost their development towards the market and generalized growth by creating norms that help the launch companies, hiring and expansion,” said David Malpass, president of the WB, who also stressed: “Removing the barriers faced by entrepreneurs they generate better jobs, more tax revenues and higher incomes is necessary to reduce poverty and raise living standards,” as stated in a report.

In relation to European partners, Spain is in fourth place behind Denmark, Sweden in tenth place, followed by Lithuania and Germany which is on place 22. France is in the position 32, while Poland remains in the 40 and Portugal in the 58.

Mexico, which fell six places from the place 54 to 60, remains positioned at the head of the region and remains the economy with the best business climate in Latin America. Other Caribbean countries evaluated are El Salvador (91), Guatemala (96), Uruguay (101), Brazil (124), Argentina (126), and Venezuela, which appears again in the last position, in the 188th place of a total of 190.

The Doing Business 2018 report, one of the most influential tool of the international organization, highlighted the existence of 294 reforms around the world to favor the business environment, the majority of them to reduce the costs and complexity of creating a company.


Source: bancaynegocios

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