Version 100 of browsers could affect network access

The main Internet browsers, such as Google Chrome, Edge and Firefox will launch their 100th version this year, but these new updates could affect users' access to the network

The Google Chrome, Edge and Firefox browsers will soon launch their 100th update, but these new versions could compromise their compatibility with various web pages that would affect Internet access to millions of users around the world.

According to the developers of the different brands, the update of the next version of the browsers, which will be available in March for Google Chrome and Edge, while the one for Firefox will be released in May, could affect the income of some pages because “they are not ready to read three-digit user agent strings, similar to what happened when browsers reached two-digit versions more than a decade ago.”

The companies behind Google, Microsoft and Mozilla browsers are currently working hard solve the failures that millions of users may present with the new three-digit update.

Browsers work to fix bugs

The developers are designing various strategies, among which stands our the activation of a specific tag in the current versions of the browsers that allows a simulation of the next update in order to approve different websites and their reaction to the three-digit encoding.

The company that supports Mozilla plans to correct the faults once they appear when accessing the different websites. But, if they cannot solve it, they plan to use a strategy similar to that proposed by Google, which consists of freezing version 99 of the browser.

The reports generated so far indicate that the sites with the highest user traffic that experience compatibility difficulties are HBO Go, Bethesda and Yahoo. Therefore, the companies are asking users who want to help mitigate the “possible consequences to configure their browsers with the special tag and report any problems with their performance.”

M. Rodríguez


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