Venezuelan tourism relies on digital economy

All the players in the industry are preparing to keep pace with the technological revolution that came to stay

Venezuela, considered in the 70s as “the best kept secret of the Caribbean”, has gone through innumerable crises. However, the tourism sector has remained on the world framework through modest but efficient actions. The internal policies of organizations such as Avavit have had to be reformulated in order to respond to the demands of the 21st century, characterized by the digital revolution.

Since its mission consists on the strengthening of the capacity to offer solutions and alternatives to the tourism sector, Avavit, in conjunction with Corpoturismo and the regional chambers, works in the training of qualified personnel in all areas, the design of incentive plans, campaigns to improve the image of Venezuela in the world and promote the country brand.

In this way, the country stick by the new digital economy, where tickets are broadcast electronically worldwide, at airports there are machines for the traveler to directly check-in, the tariff payments are made via cell phone and there are dozens of simple applications that offer information about travel packages, characteristics of the destination, accommodation, security recommendations and much more.

The transactions in cryptocurrencies of both people and travel agencies, tourism wholesalers, owners of hotels and inns or restaurants that are part of the tourist circuit are still a pending task. However, workshops and courses on the subject are currently being offered, such as those offered by IETASA, the Institute for Tourism Studies of Avavit. Together with the Monedario group, they offer the course “New Digital Economy, Tourism and Cryptocurrency”, where concepts such as Bitcoin, blockchain, trading, eToro, ICO, usability, FIAT and more are handled.

The Venezuelan tourist industry seeks its place in the transformation of the economy by involving in the digital revolution the different actors that make it up to offer technological solutions in areas such as ticketing, accommodation, reservations, food, logistics and supplies, advertising and incentives, air and maritime connectivity, among others.


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