Goldman Sachs forecasts rise in global oil demand

Manhattan-based investment group Goldman Sachs estimates that oil demand will continue to grow, even over the next ten years

Goldman Sachs estimates that oil demand will continue to rise in 2022, reaching a record level, largely thanks to fuel requirements for the transportation and aviation sectors, if the gradual reopening of the borders is taken into account.

The investment group even foresees that consumption will continue to rise over the next ten years, if one considers the dynamics of the infrastructure construction sector worldwide.

Goldman Sachs considers this trend positive for the world economy, where, as they have stated, “there was already a record demand” before the appearance of the omicron variant of the Covid-19 pandemic.

“Increased demand for airplanes is being added and the global economy continues to grow,” said Damien Courvalin, head of energy research at Goldman Sachs. “They will see how we will average a new demand record in 2022, and again, in 2023,” he stressed.

The financial institution has also spoken out about the price of oil barrel of oil, and has indicated that by 2022 it could be located at 85 dollars per barrel “with a risk margin that prices will rise between 5 and 10 dollars.”

Given that oil demand will continue to grow until the end of the current decade, Goldman Sachs foresees a progressive energy transition, to reach some 106 million barrels per day.


Source: rtnoticias

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