UN approves humanitarian aid fund for Venezuela for US$3.2 billion

The Secretary of the United Nations, António Guterres, announced that a humanitarian aid fund for Venezuela for US$3.2 billion was authorized

The humanitarian aid fund for Venezuela, which was approved in 2022 in Mexico, was authorized this Wednesday by António Guterres, secretary general of the United Nations.

Venezuela will receive humanitarian aid from this fund, which amounts to US$3.2 billion, to face the emergency that the South American country is going through.

After this authorization “only operational issues remain to be resolved for the provision of resources that, according to the original agreement, must be administered by an entity dependent on the UN and must be directed to resolve needs in the areas of education, health, food security and electrical system.”

According to information published in BloomberLinea and The New Humanitarian, the authorization does not imply the immediate disbursement of the US$3.2 billion. Some operational procedures are necessary in order to establish banking entities that can guarantee secure transfers.

This social fund seeks to provide priority assistance to four areas in Venezuela: education, health, food security and the electrical system. All these sectors have been going through a sustained crisis in recent years. The UN offices in the country will be in charge of administering the funds.


With information from national and international media and social networks

(Referential image source: Salya T, Unsplash)

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