Training is key to increase profitability

Carmen Salvador, CEO of Fintech 4.0, exposes the importance of training for the generation of resources in the new digital economy. It raises the desirability of performing seriously and professionally as a trader

Today’s society is linked to the evolution of the technological world, reason why several aspects of our daily lives have changed over the years, just thanks to digitalization. The way we share information and take advantage of it has reached levels we considered impossible in the last century.

Education, entertainment and even the financial world have had to reinvent themselves to keep the pace of technological advances. “Today we talk about digital economy and concepts like Fintech that brings together two fascinating terms: finance and technology. That merger facilitates activities such as trading from anywhere in the world. Carmen Salvador, CEO of Fintech 4.0 in Venezuela highlights this reality.

Salvador underlines that trading is considered by many people as an art, an activity or a profession that consists on speculating (buying and selling financial instruments) within the stock markets in order to achieve some profitability.

Operations at “one click”

Before the digital era this activity was supposed to be executed only by people linked to the main stock exchanges in the world. Certainly, years ago being a trader was completely different. Negotiations were done over the phone, calling brokers to execute operations. It was a fairly slow process. But now, from a computer, a smartphone and with Internet connection, you can access the platform of your choice and start operating in a matter of seconds.

Carmen Salvador, CEO of Fintech 4.0, underlines the benefits of trading in the digital economy

Being a serious profession that seeks to “make money from money”, trading requires proper preparation of people. And, as Salvador points out, even though there is no a magic formula to become a good trader, discipline, perseverance, willingness, good education and emotional management guarantee the possibility to achieve it. There is no limitation of sex, age or a previous profession. Without a doubt, “the most important thing is that our training is complete, so we will have the best tools and resources to apply them in our activity,” says Salvador.

Another benefit of this profession is that, unlike other “works from home” that usually require you to spend many hours, in trading you are the absolute owner of your time, you have no bosses, no employees, no imposed schedules.

It is a highly methodological exercise in which you can obtain economic benefits according to your performance through the right strategy. It requires a lot of patience, especially in the course of your training as a trader, but it will pay off when you feel ready to operate in the market.

Carmen Salvador, CEO of Fintech 4.0, emphasizes that thanks to the digital economy, “the world of trading faces optimal conditions with the possibility of operating from any place. Moreover, a proper training allows you to generate income in this new era”.


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