Pecunpay and LINK Mobility launch biometric recognition system

Both companies developed this tool to ensure their fight against money laundering

The electronic money entity Pecunpay and LINK Mobility, a messaging and mobile solutions provider aimed at companies, have developed a biometric recognition system for fintech and neobanks to fight against money laundering. A tool that works through an API that is easily integrated into customer environments and that starts from an SMS or ’email’.

This announcement comes in the context of the recent approval of the PSD2 directive (Second Payment Services Directive), with which the European authorities intend to achieve the definitive opening of the European Union’s financial and banking industry, through services totally standardized and mainly with the focus on the fight against money laundering.

It is a service with full legal validity and easy implementation through a process of KYC (Know Your Costumer) with biometric recognition that works through an API that is integrated into customer environments. In this way, Pecunpay and LINK Mobility seek to improve the processes of client validation that have become mandatory, identifying people in the virtual field.

The operation is simple. First, the client receives an SMS or email to validate his identity. In this process, he will have to make a capture of the DNI and complete the biometric validation or proof of life, before proceeding to the acceptance of the information collected.

Then, before going on to the advanced digital signature process with OTP (One-Time Password), the person can consult both internal and external information and risk files. Finally, he gets a signed contract, certified and with all the evidence, which can finally be uploaded to the Blockchain network to guarantee its total inalterability.

K. Tovar

Source: La Vanguardia

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