LocalBitcoin removes cash-for-crypto trading option

This was reported through the Reddit network, who indicated that this option is not available in the official website

Users of the Reddit platform reported that the LocalBitcoin company withdrew the option to purchase cryptocurrencies person to person (P2P) with cash.

The allegations ensure that said option is no longer available within the platform, however others indicated that such restriction could be exclusive to the United States.

The elimination of the option, which acts as a locker for users to carry out transactions in person, prevents LocalBitcoin users from selling and buying bitcoin for cash.

This situation arises after the company issued an announcement in February regarding the application of a new regulation that aims to combat money laundering in the European Union (EU). It should be noted that the main headquarters are located in Helsinki.

Despite this, several other P2P cryptocurrency trading platforms still offer a cash option in person.

K. Tovar

Source: Diariobitcoin

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