Paypal would have caused a bitcoin shortage

One firm determined that the digital payments company is grabbing roughly 70 % of the recently mined btc

Various reports claim that the current bitcoin shortage could have its origin in Paypal’s entry into the cryptocurrency market.

The firm Pantera Capital ensures that the digital payment company would be collecting the bitcoins that are currently being mined.

In its first weeks, this new service offered by Paypal is leaving a great impact in the world of digital assets. According to Pantera, the company is “grabbing” 70 % of the new bitcoin.

PayPal launched its cryptocurrency trading services in the United States. earlier this month, allowing his clients to trade up to $ 20,000 per week.

The online payments merchant has 300 million active users, making its foray into digital currency an important step towards its adoption.

K. Tovar

Source: Cointelegraph

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